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Safety precautions to take after a flood

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If you recently experienced a flood inside your home, whether from weather conditions or a busted pipe, do not attempt to enter the home before getting the okay from local authorities. It is dangerous to simply walk in the house, turn on lights, and not have it inspected first. Here are some things to do after a flood in order to keep yourself and your family safe.

Empty the Water First

Even if the storm has passed, you still need to get all that water out of your home. Do not enter the building if there is still floodwater inside or around the perimeter of the home. The flooring might be in jeopardy and there could be exposed gas lines. Instead, have a local contractor come out to pump out the water. If you have a sump pump in your basement, some of the water should already be removed, but don't take any chances.

Have an Electrician Check the Wiring

You should never turn on a breaker or electrical panel without knowing whether or not it is safe. Even if you go inside and everything looks dry, have an electrician stop by first. They will inspect your property and check for any signs of wet electrical wiring or power lines. If they see any electrical connections that got damaged due to the flood, you will need to wait until they deem it safe to return. The electrician will turn on the power for you if they say it is okay to do so.

Start Drying Out the Home

Another issue with safety after a flood is the growth of mould and mildew, which can be dangerous if you inhale the fumes. Once all of the flood water is pumped out of the home, start to dry it out. Wear sturdy shoes and walk very carefully through the home. Dispose of any furniture that was ruined from the flood. Open all windows and doors to begin airing it out. If you have an HVAC system, turn it on full blast with the heat on. Turn on all fans you have in the home, pointing them down at the floors to start drying it out. Both carpets and hardwood flooring can get severely damaged and develop mould if the moisture remains for too long.

Make sure before you let your family in the home, you have cleaned out mouldy furniture and items, dried all the flooring, and checked the electrical and plumbing systems.
