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3 Advantages Offered By Structured Data Cabling

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Wireless connectivity has become a staple for businesses, but this does not mean that its predecessor, the structured data cabling, has become irrelevant. Structured data cabling should be a technology that you retain for your business, even when you have made the switch to wireless because it offers a host of advantages. But what is structured data cabling?  

This type of data cabling is a network of wires with the primary function of connecting the infrastructure of your communications system. The communications system could include video cameras, telephones, computers and so on. If you are wondering why you should still have structured data cabling in tandem with wireless connectivity, read on for three of the top benefits that this type of data cabling offers.

1. Structured data cabling facilities easy scalability

You may be under the assumption ta having to deal with cables and wires will be a headache, but you will be mistaken. Structured data cabling is neatly packaged during installation, which means the addition of new devices and machines to your business' network. For instance, as your business grows and you need to update your technology to incorporate new gestures such as video conferencing, it is simple to connect the new hardware without any disruption to your business' operations. The convenient scalability also means that an office relocation will be smooth too.

2. Structured data cabling decreases the chance of downtime

Wireless connectivity may be the latest technology you can install in your office building, but it does have a few challenges. If the network provider is having technical problems, your signal will be lost and you can experience extended durations of downtime. This downtime can have an adverse effect on your bottom line as the lack of internet connectivity directly translate into reduced productivity. Structured data cabling is less prone to downtime since the wires are sheltered from external elements. Thus as long as there is no major upheaval to your structured cabling, the less likely that you will experience downtime at your workplace.

3. Structures data cabling offers great ROI

Anything that you invest in for your business should provide you with high returns. And although structured data cabling may seem outdated, it is much more cost-efficient in the long run since it virtually requires no maintenance. Furthermore, as long as the data cabling is left untouched, it is unlikely that it will need repairs. So even when you already have wireless connectivity, installing structured data cabling is a great backup solution for your business.

For more information, contact a company like Smart-Safe Electrical Services.
