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Top Signs Your Hot Water System is Rusting

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Hot water systems are designed to last for a long time, but you do have to worry about various things going wrong with them such as rusting. Once your hot water system starts rusting, it might need to be replaced. These are a few signs that rust might be an issue.

The Water Is Discolored

One of the first signs that you might notice that there is rust in your hot water system is if the hot water that comes out of your household taps is discolored. You might notice that the water is tinted orange or brown, for example. If it's the hot water only that is discolored, this is probably related to your hot water system. If both hot and cold water are discolored, however, it might be because of old plumbing pipes in your home.

You See Visible Rust

You might not look at your hot water system very often, but it's not a bad idea to look it over from time to time. In many cases, rust is on the inside of the tank, where it cannot be seen. However, rust does sometimes form on the inside and bleed through to the outside of the tank, where it is visible. In some cases, rust can even form on the outside of the water heater. As soon as you notice visible rust on your hot water system, it's important to address the situation immediately, since the problem might be worse than you think.

Your Hot Water System Is Leaking

There are a few parts that can cause leaks. If there is problem with the plumbing pipes and water lines that run to your hot water system, for example, this could cause leaks. If the tank on your hot water system itself is leaking, however, it could be because of rust.

You Haven't Kept Up With Maintenance

Lastly, just because you haven't noticed any issues with your hot water system doesn't mean that there aren't issues present. For example, there is a possibility that your hot water system is rusting but that you simply haven't noticed any problems yet. This is more prone to happen if you don't handle important maintenance, such as draining out your hot water system tank on a regular basis. Therefore, you should have your hot water system inspected if you haven't had maintenance done in a while. The technician can advise you on how to keep up with maintenance in the future.
